
Ping Pong Rabbit

Ping Pong Rabbit

With dreams bigger than his small stature, a rural rabbit named Robb hurls himself in pursuit of his province’s biggest prize, a storied ‘Jade Table’ awarded annually to the finest ping pong player in the land. Standing in his path is the fact that rabbits don’t play ping pong, and the province’s perennial champion is a ruthless monkey wh..

Nataly Fish

Love Ping Pong

Love Ping Pong

The 10th Love Sport short film.

Nataly Fish

The Ping Pong

The Ping Pong

Nataly Fish

Shaun The Sheep: Ping Pong Poacher

Shaun The Sheep: Ping Pong Poacher

With the animals of Mossybottom Farm keenly watching 'Shaun vs Bitzer' in the greatest table tennis match of all time, they fail to notice a hungry Fox who isn't keeping his eye on the ball at all.

Nataly Fish

A Year of Ping Pong

A Year of Ping Pong

Will Shortz (editor of the New York Times crossword puzzle) tests his own limits of commitment, and his brains ability to be fully activated, by pledging to play ping pong every day for a year.

Nataly Fish

Mongolian Ping Pong

Mongolian Ping Pong

Bilike has never seen a ping-pong ball before. He and his family live without electricity and running water in a solitary tent home among the vast steppe grasslands. The magnificent landscape here has changed little since the days of Genghis Kahn. But life in the middle of nowhere can be exciting for a young boy. The smallest of details become big ..

Nataly Fish

Magic Cube and Ping-Pong

Magic Cube and Ping-Pong

Love – and ping pong - can be liberating in a world of sameness.

Nataly Fish

Un point incroyable au ping pong

Un point incroyable au ping pong

Un magnifique échange entre ses deux pongistes .

Nataly Fish

Ping Pong

Ping Pong

Nataly Fish

The Ping-Pong Match

The Ping-Pong Match

A short film that was directed by Toni Basil.

Nataly Fish

Kung Fu Ping Pong

Kung Fu Ping Pong

Nataly Fish

Fact or Fiction: The Life & Times of a Ping Pong Hustler

Fact or Fiction: The Life & Times of a Ping Pong Hustler

A chronicle of the final three years of Marty Reisman's life. A table tennis champion turned hustler. Pursuing notoriety and motivated by his love of fame and ping pong, he has to face his biggest fear: mortality.

Nataly Fish

Chinese Ping-Pong

Chinese Ping-Pong

An experimental sports film made partly during the Scandinavian Open Championships in Halmstad in 1970, partly during the Chinese players' exhibition tour in Denmark immediately after the SOC. First of all, it is a film about their style, about the artistic culmination that is ping-pong at its best, it records China's comeback into the internationa..

Nataly Fish

Ping Pong for Singles

Ping Pong for Singles

A man plays table tennis with a robot. During the course of the game the robot increasingly take on human mannerisms and becomes competitive. Soon, they both realize the game is no longer about winning.

Nataly Fish

Ping Pong Bath Station

Ping Pong Bath Station

An unhappy housewife regains her passion for life by taking over a failing bath house.

Nataly Fish



Experimental animation about a humanoid structure and a ping pong ball.

Nataly Fish

Ping Pong Coach

Ping Pong Coach

Although Tsi-an and Yi-rui are an invincible duo in table tennis doubles, Tsi-an’s technique is in no comparison to Yi-rui’s. Tsi-an, frustrated by her sense of inferiority, beseeches the coach, Yi-rui’s father to give her additional drill. During an one-on-one training session, she develops a crush on the coach. Ping Pong Coach adopts Tsi-an..

Nataly Fish

Road Trip : Beer Pong

Road Trip : Beer Pong

Trois copains de classe se préparent au plus grand moment de leur vie : le championnat national de Beer Pong. Ils ont soif de compétition et le chemin vers une gloire bien arrosée est semé de rencontres aussi cocasses qu'imprévues, comme une famille de strip-teasers enthousiastes, un auto-stoppeur, une jolie fille et son revolver, un bus plein..

Nataly Fish

Tarz & Jane, Cheeta & Boy

Tarz & Jane, Cheeta & Boy

When his penis is bitten off by a crocodile, Tarz turns to the magical powers of the Wango-Wango tribe for help.

Nataly Fish

Kung Pow

Kung Pow

La légende dit que Bruce Lee a débuté son entraînement à l'âge de six ans. L'élu est réputé avoir commencé à l'entraîner alors qu'il n'était encore qu'un fœtus. Quand le légendaire Master Pain, malveillant maître Kung-fu, massacre sa famille, l'élu entreprend une quête pour venger la mort des siens...

Nataly Fish

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