
The World of Hans Christian Andersen

The World of Hans Christian Andersen

Animated cartoon for children, based on various stories by Hans Christian Andersen.

Nataly Fish

The Second Is a Christian

The Second Is a Christian

L'histoire de la belle nonne, Kyoko (Etsuko Shihomi) qui est l'objet d'affection pour deux hommes très différents - l'un le gangster yakuza insouciant, Haruhiko (Koichi Iwaki) qui est le prochain à prendre le contrôle du le gang hétéroclite "Tenryu Gumi" et l'autre détective de police maladroit Kumashiro (Akira Emoto). Les Tenryu Gumi sont u..

Nataly Fish

Christian IV

Christian IV

The film depicts the last hours in the life of great Danish King Christian IV, told exclusively from a horse carriage. The focal point is Christian's tempestuous relationship to his second wife, Kirsten Munk, involving accusations of infidelity and attempted murder.

Nataly Fish

Visions et merveilles de la religion chrétienne

Visions et merveilles de la religion chrétienne

Les personnages sont tous en enfer, jouant comme s'il étaient dans une sitcom.

Nataly Fish

Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord
Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon

Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon

Escape from the Golden Dungeon is the second part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.

Nataly Fish

Moi, Christiane F, droguée, prostituée… : une génération perdue

Moi, Christiane F, droguée, prostituée… : une génération perdue

RFA, 1978. La publication d'un livre choquant relatant la vie misérable de jeunes toxicomanes vivant et mourant dans les gares et les toilettes publiques du pays provoque un choc social brutal : l'histoire de Christiane F., une jeune fille de treize ans qui se prostitue pour acheter de l'héroïne, et des enfants de la gare du zoo de Berlin.

Nataly Fish

Christian Brothers

Christian Brothers

When the daughter of a minister gets kidnapped, Christy is called upon to rescue her. Although he manages to save her, he himself gets embroiled in the kidnapper's murder.

Nataly Fish

Christian Wahnschaffe I: Weltbrand

Christian Wahnschaffe I: Weltbrand

Weltbrand is the first part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.

Nataly Fish

Moors and Christians

Moors and Christians

A peculiar family, which owns a nougat factory, decides to set out on a trip to Madrid in order to advertise its products in a Food Fair. Besides the disapproval from the family head and company founder, events are not as expected.

Nataly Fish

Le Révolté

Le Révolté

En 1637, la péninsule de Shimabara, située sur le golfe de Nagasaki, fut le théâtre d'une importante révolte de paysans chrétiens. Pour protester contre un impôt supplémentaire qui les visait, trente-cinq mille hommes prirent d'assaut le château local. Ils y restèrent barricadés pendant près de trois mois, subissant un siège terrible d..

Nataly Fish

The Christians

The Christians

A woman refuses to take an oath before the christian cross.

Nataly Fish

Aux lions les chrétiens

Aux lions les chrétiens

A biblical drama.

Nataly Fish

Where Do You Stand Today, Christian Petzold?

Where Do You Stand Today, Christian Petzold?

"Où en êtes-vous ?" (Where do you stand today?) is a project initiated by the Centre Pompidou, which commissions its guest filmmakers to make a free-form film in response to a question simultaneously retrospective, introspective and focused on their future ideas and projects. Here Christian Petzold is joined by Christoph Hochhäusler as they anal..

Nataly Fish

The Good Christian

The Good Christian

A homicide detective returns to a bizarre case after a period away from his job that will expose him to demons of his past.

Nataly Fish

Christian Feasts, Secular Feasts

Christian Feasts, Secular Feasts

In 1934, the Spanish filmmaker José Val del Omar traveled to the region of Murcia, where he documented the celebration of several popular festivals, both religious and secular, as part of his contribution to the itinerant educational program promoted by the Government of the Second Republic.

Nataly Fish

The Good Christian

The Good Christian

In 1979 José Efraín Ríos Montt became a reborn Christian. He was offering a sermon when a group of soldiers burst into his Christian school, and asked him to lead a military coup in 1982. Francisco Chavez Raymundo and his sister were small children when Rios' political actions annihilated their community. In March, 2013 the lives of Francisco C..

Nataly Fish

King Christian IX Receives Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz

King Christian IX Receives Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz

In September 1903 the ferry line between Gedser in Denmark and Warnemünde in Germany was opened. The images are from the opening of the route which included King Christian IX, Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz IV of Mecklenburg Schwerin (1882-1945), Crown Prince Frederik and members of the Duentzer ministry (1901-1905).

Nataly Fish

Hans Christian and the Geographic Society

Hans Christian and the Geographic Society

Hans-Christian is a middle-aged priest who in the shadow of World War II decides to form a geographic association aiming at increased understanding between countries and people.

Nataly Fish

King Haakon's Visit to 'Dannenbrog' at Crown Prince Christian's Abode

King Haakon's Visit to 'Dannenbrog' at Crown Prince Christian's Abode

King Haakon on the boat of Crown Prince Christian.

Nataly Fish

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