
Les Cannibales

Les Cannibales

Dans un pays écrasé par le totalitarisme, défense est faite à la population d’enterrer les corps des opposants tués par la police. Une jeune femme, malgré ses liens de parenté avec le chef du régime, et un étrange jeune homme se révoltent…

Nataly Fish

La Conseillère anthropophage

La Conseillère anthropophage

Chon, une conseillère municipale, attend dans l'appartement de son amie Pina après le départ de celle-ci. Elle veille sur Maribel, endormie dans la cuisine après avoir bu du gaspacho contenant des somnifères. Exubérante et bavarde, Chon soliloque et raconte ses fantasmes...

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Capers

Cannibal Capers

A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Love

Cannibal Love

An unmade movie by Joe D’amato about a scattered troop of stranded mercenaries who runs into a bunch of women.

Nataly Fish

Horror Cannibal

Horror Cannibal

Des explorateurs en expédition s'aventurent trop loin dans la forêt amazonienne et tombent entre les mains d'une tribu isolée de cannibales qui s'empare d'eux. Le groupe comprend également la fille d'un sénateur américain ; elle réussit à contacter son père qui envoie dans la jungle un groupe de soldats expérimentés pour tenter de sauver..

Nataly Fish

Tourist Ömer Among the Cannibals
In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

An Italian documentary that gives an inside look at the making of Ruggero Deodato's controversial horror film "Cannibal Holocaust".

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Diner

Cannibal Diner

Kati, un jeune mannequin, se rend en voiture à une fête célébrant l'anniversaire de sa soeur cadette, Céline. Tanja, la meilleure amie de Kati, et quelques filles veulent faire la fête et installent à cet effet un campement près des bois. Alors qu'elles sont en train de préparer la fête, les filles se font attaquer par des inconnus. Penda..

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Mercenary

Cannibal Mercenary

A retired soldier is deeply disturbed by his past experiences in Vietnam, but goes out in the jungle one more time to save his sick daughter. He gathers his old gang of misfits, including a sex-maniac and a wife-killer. They slay their way through Vietcong, innocent villagers and traitors - anybody who stands between them and getting the job done.

Nataly Fish



The globe has been taken over by alien beings who are mad about industrially produced human flesh. An activist group fights for the rights of 'free-range people' and calls in the media.

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Collector

Cannibal Collector

An obsessive food collector, determined not to desecrate his precious vittles, resorts to the alarming act of cannibalism.

Nataly Fish

Les cannibales

Les cannibales

This odd film is a major representative of an even odder film genre: direct-to-celluloid opera. It was commissioned by the Portuguese master of style, director Manoel de Oliveira from composer João Paes. Musically, it ranges from 19th-century romanticism to popular, modernist and even "post-modernist" styles. In the initially tame story, a host-na..

Nataly Fish

New Guinea: Island of Cannibals

New Guinea: Island of Cannibals

Mondo-style documentary in which a movie crew travels to newly independent Papua New Guinea to capture the customs and culture of the cannibal natives. Prepare yourself for death rituals, war costumery, crude tattoos, animal killings, and cannibalism.

Nataly Fish

The Cannibals

The Cannibals

A man (Chang Yi) is looking for stolen money (gold coins) and seeking revenge for the death of his master.

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Vegetarian

Cannibal Vegetarian

Danko Babic is an ambitious and amoral gynaecologist at Croatia's leading fertility clinic. When his colleague Bantic is appointed as head of the clinic, Babic starts a secret war to overthrow his rival. Distracted by his ruthless campaign he makes series of fatal mistakes that result in the death of a patient. A crooked coroner and a corrupt polic..

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Dr. Dolittle: Tale 2 - Cannibal Land

The Adventures of Dr. Dolittle: Tale 2 - Cannibal Land

On his way inland, Dr. Dolittle and his animals encounter a nasty surprise. Natives capture them and hold them under lock and key.

Nataly Fish

The Last Cannibal

The Last Cannibal

Who dares to venture into the forests of Silschede, is in deadly danger! It seems that some of the stories that inspired our earlier works are true. In the forests of Silschede not only a bloodthirsty creature is up to no good, it seems that perhaps the last cannibal in Germany is living here...

Nataly Fish



One day of life of residents of an apartment building which recognized their neighbour as a murderer and cannibal from the criminal TV-show "Watch Out with Eduard Tumanov".

Nataly Fish

Cannibals tomorrow

Cannibals tomorrow

It is a documentary, which submits to the public the most dramatic, subhuman situations in which men find themselves living in all corners of the world. From India to Brazil, from the African nations of the Sahel to Bolivia, the camera ruthlessly shows the images of a humanity marginalized in a thousand ways by the so-called"civil consortium".

Nataly Fish

Caïn, aventures des mers exotiques

Caïn, aventures des mers exotiques

Un soutier d’un grand paquebot, révolté par l’inégalité sociale, vole un soir d’escale le sac et le protefeuille d’un passager, et gagne une île déserte sur une frêle embarcation. Il y vit avec une femme indigène qu’il a capturée. Après quelques mois, recueilli sur un bateau, il ne peut oublier et plonge vers l’île.

Nataly Fish

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