
Anna & the Asteroid

Anna & the Asteroid

A fatalistic woman is being stalked by an incoming, four mile-wide (talking) asteroid who has fallen in love with her.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid Impact

Asteroid Impact

Nataly Fish



Mac and Cheez are back, this time on a deep space adventure. Joined by their robot sidekick, their spaceship is endangered by teeth-gnashing space bugs and careening asteroids.

Nataly Fish

Mission astéroïdes

Mission astéroïdes

Les astéroïdes sont des centaines de milliers à tourner autour du soleil. Certains d'entre eux ont bouleversé l'histoire de la planète et fascinent autant qu'ils inquiètent. Les plus gros de ces corps célestes s'apparentent même à des mini-planètes dont la formation s'est arrêtée. Les scientifiques les étudient afin d'en connaître dav..

Nataly Fish

Asteroiden - Schöpfer und Zerstörer
Project Asteroid: Mapping Bennu

Project Asteroid: Mapping Bennu

Engineers, professors, students and scientists build one of the instruments for NASA's Osiris-REx, a spacecraft sent to rendezvous with the asteroid Bennu.

Nataly Fish

Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors

Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors

How do these objects differ from one another, if at all? Nick Moskovitz, an astronomer at the Lowell Observatory, compares these two space solar system bodies. - VRV

Nataly Fish

Even Asteroids Are Not Alone

Even Asteroids Are Not Alone

Like roaming asteroids, we move through space: never alone, forming deep bonds along the way. Hundreds of thousands of online gamers mine, trade and fight their way through computer-generated galaxies far, far away from the world as we know it. Weaving together the experiences of fourteen Eve Online players, we reveal an intimate story about the ab..

Nataly Fish

Cosmic Travelers: Comets and Asteroids

Cosmic Travelers: Comets and Asteroids

An examination of the dangers posed by potential comet and asteroid impacts with the Earth, as well as the future plans to research and exploit these celestial bodies.

Nataly Fish

Killer Asteroids

Killer Asteroids

A study of potential impacts. Discovery Channel

Nataly Fish

Dinosaur Extinction: Behind the Asteroid Impact Theory

Dinosaur Extinction: Behind the Asteroid Impact Theory

The discovery of a giant crater in the floor of the Gulf of Mexico is a step closer to solving the question if an asteroid ended the age of dinosaurs.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid Ritzy

Asteroid Ritzy

After a successful interview, the Ritzy’s new starter, Rachel, arrives for her first day. Cinema Owner, Sean, leads her through a treacherous induction day down confusing winding corridors as she’s introduced to the peculiar collection of Ritzy employees.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid: Mission Extreme

Asteroid: Mission Extreme

Asteroid: Mission Extreme takes audiences on an epic journey to discover the potential that asteroids present to facilitate manned space travel.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid Day

Asteroid Day

Découvrez la Fondation Asteroid Day et sa mission : protéger le monde des astéroïdes dangereux en les détectant le plus tôt possible.

Nataly Fish

Mission Asteroid

Mission Asteroid

Mission Asteroid A killer asteroid is on its way to Earth -- what can we really do to stop it? Are we destined to go the way of the dinosaur? Killer asteroids have long played a role in science fiction. But when a fireball exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013, the world learned that the threat is real. On average, NASA finds a new potentially ..

Nataly Fish

Asteroid! The Doomsday Rock

Asteroid! The Doomsday Rock

This one hour program tells the story of a team of scientists who believe and intend to prove that the world's largest environmental disaster, the asteroid, is entirely possible. It shot from a hot white sky with absolutely no warning. On Friday, June 14, 2002, an asteroid the size of a football field made one of the closest ever recorded approach..

Nataly Fish

Gli Asteroidi

Gli Asteroidi

Pietro, Ivan and their friend Fabio, aka "Cosmic," live in the once-prosperous Po Valley. Post-crisis, this is a vast and alienating landscape of abandoned factories and petty crimes committed by the infamous Candelabra gang. The 19-year olds resist the authority of their parents and their teachers, and resign themselves to a listless fate of for..

Nataly Fish

Destination astéroïdes

Destination astéroïdes

Depuis plus de deux cents ans, les astronomes se demandent à quoi ressemblent réellement les astéroïdes. Ils considèrent que ces oubliés de la formation du système solaire sont inchangés depuis des milliards d’années et abritent d'innombrables secrets. Depuis quelques années, les grandes agences spatiales internationales envoient des mi..

Nataly Fish

Alerte aux astéroïdes

Alerte aux astéroïdes

Face au risque de collision avec la Terre, les agences spatiales affinent leurs observations sur la course des astéroïdes dans notre galaxie. Un état des lieux documenté des programmes en cours.

Nataly Fish

Asteroid Trackers

Asteroid Trackers

The asteroid believed to have wiped out dinosaurs 65 million years ago was rare but hardly unique. This compelling special delves into various facets of asteroid research around the globe revealing how experts are pushing the boundaries of technology to protect us from 250-ton behemoths like Apophis, an asteroid that could come dangerously come clo..

Nataly Fish

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