
White Snake Woman

White Snake Woman

While transporting a bride-to-be in a closed carriage (kago) while during a thunderstorm, a group of servants and onlookers suddenly come upon an apparition of a ghostly white-draped female figure floating down to the ground. As she turns to face the crowd, the woman reveals the disfigured right side of her face. As the procession stands in utter h..

Nataly Fish

Love of the White Snake

Love of the White Snake

This early Brigitte Lin film is based on the same Chinese folk tale that Tsui Hark later used as his source for The Green Snake. It is the story of two sister snakes that want to feel what it is to be human and one of them needs to know what it is to feel human love. It is a sweet magical but ultimately tragic tale of breaking societal taboos. - br..

Nataly Fish

Two White Snake Ghosts

Two White Snake Ghosts

The white snake demon transforms into a beautiful woman when she is attracted to a man named Khouw Han Boen. The two marry. Later, Han Boen finds out that his now-pregnant wife is the white snake demon in disguise.

Nataly Fish

The Legend of the White Snake

The Legend of the White Snake

Nataly Fish

Son of White Snake Ghost

Son of White Snake Ghost

The child feels as if he lives in a dream. He does not know who his human father is as his mother is the white snake ghost. He is often verbally and physically abused. In desperation, he runs away to seek his mother at the place where she is repenting. In his escape, he gets lost in the forest and falls into the hands of a giant monkey.

Nataly Fish

Little Dragon Girl Teases White Snake Spirit

Little Dragon Girl Teases White Snake Spirit

Little Dragon Girl Teases White Snake Spirit is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role

Nataly Fish

See the White Snake Again

See the White Snake Again

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White Snake Wonder

White Snake Wonder

Based on a Chinese folk tale, this is the story of a forbidden romance between Janyi, a white snake ghost, and Holeman, a poor medicine man living a simple life.

Nataly Fish

New White Snake: Old Demon of Black Mountain
Green Snake

Green Snake

Alors qu'elle essaie de sauver sa sœur des griffes de Fahai, Xiao Qing se retrouve dans une ville dystopique et rencontre un mystérieux inconnu qui a oublié son passé.

Nataly Fish

Green Snake

Green Snake

Cette histoire est inspirée de la Légende du serpent blanc. Il y a deux serpents inséparables : l'un a 1000 ans, l'autre 500 ans ; l'un est blanc, l'autre vert. Un jour, ils trouvent le chapelet du bouddha et se transforment en deux jolies filles. Elles apprennent toutes les choses humaines mais n'arrivent pas à comprendre les sentiments. Au fi..

Nataly Fish

Snake Treaty

Snake Treaty

Guy Pehrsson is summoned by his grandfather to return to the farming community of his childhood. He arrives from the City to find that his mother has finally left his alcoholic and abusive father and now lives among the Indians, Guy's childhood friends and neighbours. He also discovers friction between the white farmers and the local Indians, now f..

Nataly Fish

Le Serpent blanc

Le Serpent blanc

Dans la Chine ancienne, un enfant achète au marché un petit serpent blanc. Mais ses parents n'en veulent pas. Il doit donc se résigner, la mort dans l'âme, à le relâcher. Quelques années plus tard, l'enfant est devenu un beau jeune homme, tandis que le reptile refait son apparition sous la forme d'une délicieuse princesse et se met à la re..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of the White Serpent

The Legend of the White Serpent

Lavish Japanese-Chinese coproduction based on an ancient Chinese legend about a man who falls in love with a snake goddess in human form.

Nataly Fish

Le Serpent Blanc

Le Serpent Blanc

Backstage of a traditional Chinese opera, the staff and performers are bringing a play to life: "The Legend of the White Snake."

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Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Legend of Snake

Legend of Snake

Five hundred years ago the goddess of Nuwa Palace was demoted into the mortal world and save a small white snake, who transformed into a doctor named Bai Jingyao

Nataly Fish

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