
Dragon Quest: The Soul Coffin

Dragon Quest: The Soul Coffin

Nataly Fish

The Case of the Four Demon Coffins
The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe

The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe

Filmmaker José Mojica Marins travels to spend Christmas with friends in a small farm, where they spend leisure time while Mojica writes the story for his next film. However, he observes eerie things in the house, with his friends being possessed one by one by some supernatural evil force.

Nataly Fish



« The Coffin » s’inspire d’un rituel thaï, qui consiste à s’endormir dans un cercueil pour un nombre déterminé de jours afin de se débarrasser de la malchance et d’éloigner le mal. Chris, dont la fiancée se meure, et Sue, atteinte d’un cancer en phase terminale, décident d’accomplir ce rituel pour changer leur vies. Chris ..

Nataly Fish

Open The Coffin

Open The Coffin

Nataly Fish

In the flying coffin - The Landshut abduction from the hostages' point of view

In the flying coffin - The Landshut abduction from the hostages' point of view

This documentary deals with the abduction of the "Landshut" in October 1977. Based on original recordings of reporting from Mogadishu at the time, as well as and interviews with the hostages from 1980, the events are portrayed to give a unique, personal perspective to the hijacking.

Nataly Fish

Uncle Nine:  The Curious Case of the Ancient Coffin
The Man with Three Coffins

The Man with Three Coffins

While journeying across South Korea for a suitable place to scatter his late wife’s ashes, a widower crosses paths with a nurse and her patient - a gravely ill old man who offers him a considerable amount of money to take him to his hometown.

Nataly Fish

Coffin Joe: The Strange World of José Mojica Marins

Coffin Joe: The Strange World of José Mojica Marins

The first documentary on José Mojica Marins's (the legendary Zé do Caixão or Coffin Joe) life and work. The film tells Mojica's history, from his poor childhood in Vila Anastácio, São Paulo (Brazil), until his success abroad in the '90s.

Nataly Fish

Le monde étrange de Zé do Caixão

Le monde étrange de Zé do Caixão

Episode 1 : Le faiseur de poupées. Une bande de brutes entend parler d'un faiseur de poupées plein aux as. Il débarque chez lui pour lui soutirer son pactole et tombe sur ses quatre nymphes de filles. Episode 2 : Obsession. Un clochard tombe fou amoureux d'une jeune fille riche et inaccessible. Le jour de son mariage, sa meilleure amie assassin..

Nataly Fish

The Coffin

The Coffin

Rudi tries to avoid the terrifying prediction of being dead in a black coffin. He is frightened and tries to get rid of the coffin. Will the prediction come true?

Nataly Fish

The Seven Coffins

The Seven Coffins

Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...

Nataly Fish

The Dragon Coffin Tomb 2: Flowers of the Dead
The Sky Coffin in Qinling Town

The Sky Coffin in Qinling Town

Nataly Fish

The Coffin in the Mountain 2

The Coffin in the Mountain 2

After his release from prison, Xiao Zongyao takes a train back to his hometown and realizes there is only one other passenger on board. He learns a mysterious new virus has emerged during his time in prison and everyone else is staying indoors for their own protection. Zongyao eventually falls asleep and awakens to discover a changed world...

Nataly Fish

The Final Nail in the Coffin

The Final Nail in the Coffin

An idyllic morning. Different things can disturb this. Rush hour, commercials, unreliable devices and drones definitely. How did the final nail get in the coffin in a single day, for quite an ordinary man who only wanted to enjoy his morning?

Nataly Fish

The Iron Coffin of Western Xia

The Iron Coffin of Western Xia

The King of Western Xia has a precious garment called "Bi Lu", which is said to be able to help mortals to ascend to immortality. The emperor is furious and orders Song Ci to find out the truth, whether it is the Western Xia that has the intention to rebel or whether it is really the treasure clothes that hook the soul.

Nataly Fish

The Coffin

The Coffin

Ukrainian existential western. Having lost his family, the old Ivan is going mad, he colors his face with paints and puts on a Gothic head-wear made of feathers, he removes icon from the frame. Ivan builds himself a coffin with his own hands and prepares for meeting with the death. It seems nobody can bring his mind back. An unexpected meeting with..

Nataly Fish

L'Île aux trente cercueils

L'Île aux trente cercueils

L'action se déroule en 1917. Véronique d'Hergemont est une jeune femme de trente-cinq ans, devenue infirmière à l'hôpital militaire de Besançon dans l'espoir d'oublier un passé qui la hante depuis quatorze ans. En effet, Véronique d'Hergemont ne peut se pardonner la mort de son père et de son fils François, disparus en mer. La mort de ses..

Nataly Fish

The Child Delivery in the Coffin

The Child Delivery in the Coffin

Taiwan horror / ghost story.

Nataly Fish

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