
Perpetual Spawning

Perpetual Spawning

The code flips through an array of virtual pedestrians, fading in and out of existence, to be endlessly replaced by the next, creating a time-lapse in real-time.

Nataly Fish

The Atomic Spawn

The Atomic Spawn

On a nuclear test site in 1952, a forsaken worker befriends an irradiated lizard.

Nataly Fish

The Spawning

The Spawning

Amy's dreams of a happy life with her partner, John and their new unborn baby. Her dreams become a nightmare of death and decay when a visitor from another world comes to Earth seeking an unusual food source: fetuses fused with it's own alien DNA.

Nataly Fish

The Misadventures of James Spawn

The Misadventures of James Spawn

James Spawn is a misdirected, bumbling outcast who strikes out on a quest for true romance. Through the powers of an ancient mystical ring, Spawn is able to turn dreams into reality. Or is it just Spawn's reality?

Nataly Fish

Spawning Grounds: Saving the Little Red Fish

Spawning Grounds: Saving the Little Red Fish

Spawning Grounds is an educational documentary film that chronicles a critical season in the life of the Lake Sammamish kokanee, a unique but little-known species of landlocked salmon with immense cultural and ecological importance. The film follows key characters - a young educator with the Snoqualmie Tribe, a newcomer fish biologist, and a privat..

Nataly Fish

Spawn of Evil

Spawn of Evil

In the the small town of Orange Grove a boy named Max finds himself befriending a strange mysterious boy who has a dark secret.

Nataly Fish

The Spawn

The Spawn

A group of people who have escaped from their condemnation as witches, raid a witch trial. Besides rescuing the condemned witch, however, the leader of the group has a completely different goal. She wants to kill the witch judge who was also responsible for the execution of her family.

Nataly Fish

The Spawn

The Spawn

After a nun moves to Rome, she is seduced by a mysterious young man with a seemingly dark past.

Nataly Fish

Spawn of Hell

Spawn of Hell

Late-Soviet screen adaptation of the novel "A Pale Horse" by Boris Savinkov. A group of anti-tsarist revolutionary terrorists plot to assassinate the governor of a provincial town.

Nataly Fish

Female College Students: Finding A Spawn

Female College Students: Finding A Spawn

An erotic film depicting the story of two women who form a relationship with a sponsor for money.

Nataly Fish



Un ancien astronaute aide un agent du gouvernement et un détective de la police à suivre la piste de mystérieux spores exotiques, rempli d'acide mortel, dans une plantation de café Amérique du Sud contrôlé par des clones.

Nataly Fish



Le docteur Michael Foster dirige une équipe de généticiens qui mène des recherches top secret. Il injecte notamment des échantillons provenant de l'espace intersidéral dans les veines de grenouilles. Mais il se fait mordre par mégarde...Ses veines et ses artères se mettent à gonfler, de terribles suintements de liquide noir l'accablent, sa..

Nataly Fish

Hidden 2

Hidden 2

15 années se sont écoulées depuis que le mystérieux extra-terrestre qui mit Los Angeles à feu et à sang à été anéanti… ou presque. Avant d’être détruite par Lloyd Gallagher, la créature est parvenue à changer d’enveloppe corporelle et à donner naissance à plusieurs êtres. Ceux-ci se sont développés et vont sortir d’une lo..

Nataly Fish



Sa femme et son bébé massacrés dans des circonstances particulièrement abominables, Matthew Gannon ne croit d'abord pas à la thèse de Josiah Briggs, un vieil homme qu'il juge fou. Selon Briggs, sa famille aurait été victime de créatures mi-humaines mi-hyènes, des monstres de légende dont Gannon découvre bientôt la réalité et qu'il tr..

Nataly Fish

Reborn from Hell II: Jubei's Revenge

Reborn from Hell II: Jubei's Revenge

Legendary samurai Jubei Yagyu must face off against a necromancer and his army of the undead in order to rescue Ohiro the young ninja girl from the clutches of Inshun Hozoin, the evil man slated to become lord of darkness on the eve of Armageddon. No living man is a match for Jubei's sword, but what skill can this mythic swordsman employ to defeat ..

Nataly Fish

Dying God

Dying God

In a dark and decadent city, Sean Fallon - a corrupt cop - will have to face his own demons to put an end to a series of brutal rapes and murders of the most weirdest kind. With the help of the local pimps, headed by Chance, Fallon will go the hunt for the serial killer, that may in the end not be human!

Nataly Fish

The Hired Gun

The Hired Gun

Gunman Don Borisenko is hired by the townsfolk to mete out justice to a cruel land baron. Instead, Borisenko gets romantically involved with Tass Tory, the wife of a local farmer. When the smoke clears, the gunman has killed the rancher, and the farmer has killed the gunman.

Nataly Fish

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