


Nataly Fish



Canary Islands are one of the best surfing destinations in Europe during the whole year. They are known as European Hawaii with the best climate in the Spain. Sofía is a short documentary film about the life of a young surfer girl Sofía De Tomás, Canary Islands’ surf champion from La Orotava, Tenerife. Through interviews and cinematic shoots, ..

Nataly Fish



Clara observes her sister Sofia, locked in her own world, where there is no space for words and communication takes place only through objects, more effective than certain dialogues between a father and a daughter.

Nataly Fish



Feature film from Burkina Faso.

Nataly Fish



Sofia is a film where we see unfolding fears, misunderstandings, prejudices, cravings and desires, all these feelings appearing and disappearing between the lines of the unsaid. A beautiful look at our precarious human condition.

Nataly Fish



Using portraits of people and landscapes, Sofia is a short documentary that examines the social reality of living in Bulgaria.

Nataly Fish

Princesse Sofia : Prête pour la vie de princesse

Princesse Sofia : Prête pour la vie de princesse

Comme toutes les petites filles, Sofia a toujours rêvé de faire partie de la royauté, et elle est impatiente de démontrer qu'elle a l'étoffe d'une vraie princesse. Vous visiterez un cirque magique, ferez la connaissance d'un dragon apprivoisé et, en compagnie de Sofia et Ambre, parcourrez le ciel du désert sur un tapis volant! Mais quand leu..

Nataly Fish

Sofia the First: The Enchanted Feast

Sofia the First: The Enchanted Feast

Cedric is preparing to show off his magical skills at the Enchanted Feast: a grand dinner for all of the kings and queens in the Tri-Kingdom Area. When the evil fairy Miss Nettle disguises herself as a powerful sorceress known as Sascha and takes over the feast after tricking Roland into welcoming her in by showering the royal family with gifts, So..

Nataly Fish

U.D.O. - Live in Sofia

U.D.O. - Live in Sofia

Tout anniversaire offre aux artistes l'occasion idéale de regarder en arrière et de revoir les expériences qu'ils ont vécues. Et, qui, de manière réaliste, pourrait revenir sur plus d'histoire du Heavy Metal qu'Udo Dirkschneider, le légendaire fondateur et leader d'Accept, et maintenant chanteur avec U.D.O. ? La voix unique de Dirkschneider,..

Nataly Fish

¡Qué Huevos, Sofía!

¡Qué Huevos, Sofía!

The story focuses on a group of people who work in an office under the supervision of a jerk.

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Sofia and the Stubborn Man

Sofia and the Stubborn Man

Une vieille femme vit dans un village tranquille des Andes et n'a jamais vu la mer. Pendant de nombreuses années, son mari a promis de l'emmener dans la mer des Caraïbes, mais les projets sont toujours contrariés pour différentes raisons.

Nataly Fish

Princesse Sofia : Vacances en Enchancia

Princesse Sofia : Vacances en Enchancia

Quand une tempête de neige empêche le Roi Roland de rentrer chez lui à temps pour les vacances,Sofia et sa famille partent en expédition pour le retrouver. La Princesse de la Belle au Bois Dormant de Disney fait une apparition spéciale pour aider Sofia et ses amis

Nataly Fish

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Exposed

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Exposed

Self-deprecating comic Sofía Niño de Rivera puts her sarcasm on full display in this stand-up special filmed live at Guadalajara's Degollado Theater.

Nataly Fish



As long as there is a flame of remembrance in the hearts of those who, against all odds in the Universe, had the opportunity to enjoy a brief period of lucidity and touch each other, there will be life.

Nataly Fish

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Natural Selection

Sofía Niño de Rivera: Natural Selection

If it were up to this Mexican comedian, marriage proposals would occur in the middle of a couple's biggest argument.

Nataly Fish

For Sofia

For Sofia

After witnessing the murder of her mother 20 years ago, Alexa returns to Los Angeles seeking revenge on the man who killed her. She finds that her best way to reach this man is trough his son, who turn out to be nothing like his father.

Nataly Fish

Hypocrisy - Hell Over Sofia - 20 Years Of Chaos And Confusion

Hypocrisy - Hell Over Sofia - 20 Years Of Chaos And Confusion

'Hell Over Sofia - 20 Years Of Chaos And Confusion', le nouveau DVD des métalleux extrêmes suédois HYPOCRISY. Il contient des images du concert du groupe le 27 février 2010 au club Blue Box de Sofia, en Bulgarie. Le guitariste Mikael Hedlund déclare : « C'était un spectacle qui avait tout ! La foule nous aidait à réaliser l'un de nos meill..

Nataly Fish

The Memory of Sofia

The Memory of Sofia

The protagonist faces depression after Sofia's disappearance.

Nataly Fish

Sofia, Last Summer

Sofia, Last Summer

Her parents have gone on vacation and Sofia moves into her childhood home for the summer. She's struggling to connect with new people, and in the absence of her best friend she spends the summer alone.

Nataly Fish

Pashke and Sofia

Pashke and Sofia

Pashke (62) has taken the oath to be a virgin in an Albanian mountain village. She lives with the same rights and obligations as a man. Her/his biography also looks at other women, like Sofia, and their perceptions of their lives and gender roles in general.

Nataly Fish

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