
La météorite du siècle

La météorite du siècle

Persuadé que Nemesis, un astéroïde géant, va s'écraser sur Terre, le docteur Carl Sorenson s'empare d'une base de missiles militaires. L'astrophysicien veut envoyer deux missiles nucléaires sur Nemesis afin de le détruire. Mais, le gouvernement américain demande à Catherine, la fille du Dr Carl Sorenson, de ramener le forcené à la raison..

Nataly Fish

Meteor: Day One

Meteor: Day One

A quest begins to find an ancient dial that controls the skies.

Nataly Fish

Doomsday Meteor

Doomsday Meteor

Un météore massif menace de détruire la planète Terre. Des scientifiques tentent de l'arrêter à l'aide de lasers surpuissants.

Nataly Fish



Tension has long simmered between Turkish soldiers and Kurdish separatists in southeastern Anatolia and, in 2015, the conflict escalated into a military lockdown.  Given the lack of media coverage, locals began filming the empty streets in single-take, one-hour clips which were posted to the internet and then vanished.  Coinciding with this event..

Nataly Fish

Pete's Meteor

Pete's Meteor

Lives change for members of an Irish family after a meteor crashes in their backyard. The kids believe that it was sent down to them by their dead parents, but the government hauls the rock away and sends it to the local university.

Nataly Fish

Meteor: First Impact

Meteor: First Impact

A scientist races the clock in an attempt to save Earth from a series of deadly meteor attacks.

Nataly Fish

Le météore

Le météore

Pierre purge une peine de quatorze ans de prison pour délit de fuite ayant causé la mort. Son quotidien, il le vit dans la contrainte des murs de sa cellule. Mais ses pensées s'envolent vers l'extérieur où, superposées à des images symboliques de la nature ou du quotidien, elles s'emmêlent aux réflexions de son ex-conjointe Suzanne, qu'il ..

Nataly Fish



Bird men suffer mysterious falls in the search for where the sun rises. An altered reality through rites that converge in one objective: die to generate life.

Nataly Fish

Weather For Children -  All About Meteorology

Weather For Children - All About Meteorology

Have you ever wondered how a weather forecaster knows what the weather will be like? In All About Meteorology, young students will see how meteorologists can predict the weather for the upcoming week and even a few months down the road through scientific deduction and high-tech equipment. Students will visit with Dr. Jon Nese, chief meteorologist a..

Nataly Fish

The Meteor

The Meteor

The cleaner Vera works at a museum and is in love with her boss Ted. She is too coward to do something about it and wishes that everything would be different. One day, a meteor is falling down from the sky and gives her mysterious forces.

Nataly Fish

Meteor Street

Meteor Street

Mohammed, an 18-year old refugee, lives with his chaotic older brother Lakhdar in a rundown apartment in Berlin. Several years after his family fled the war in Lebanon and moved to Berlin, the sensitive young man still needs to set foot in the harsh male environment, trying to find his place between his brother and his german motorcycle workshop co..

Nataly Fish

Zombie Meteor: The Movie

Zombie Meteor: The Movie

While working aboard the International Space Station, Spanish astronaut Mar and Russian cosmonaut Petrov have an unexpected encounter in space.

Nataly Fish



Stones from the sky - tangible pieces of other worlds. After millions of years of wandering in the darkness and the cold expanses of space, meteorites find shelter in the windows of museums. By studying meteorites, scientists know their origins, how they get to the Earth, and from which substances they are comprised. This film also explores the att..

Nataly Fish

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage II: Oath of the Meteor

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage II: Oath of the Meteor

One year after the battle with Belial's Galactic Empire, the members of Ultimate Force Zero returned to Planet Esmeralda to see Princess Emerana. They arrived to see her and Jean Bot captures by a mysterious artificial planet which then took of for another universe. In the Universe where the sphere fled to, Zap Spacy members Rei and Hyuga are forc..

Nataly Fish

The Meteors

The Meteors

In the spirit of Monty Python and Don Quixote, two magnificent losers form an unlikely pair as they drift through a surreal sub-Saharan landscape.

Nataly Fish



A mysterious rumble splits the sky and reverberates in the middle of the forest. A man delves into its depths to discover its origin and answer the questions presented by the universe.

Nataly Fish

Meteorite Hunter

Meteorite Hunter

Our film will tell about the changes that have taken place in Russian meteoritics over the past 10 years, and tells about innovations and technologies created both with the help of state support and independently by Timur Kryachko and his colleagues.

Nataly Fish



Based on a true story about a road crew that raced to build the road between Brasilia and Fortaleza and the unexpected events that unfold make this film funny, engaging, and a true gem.

Nataly Fish



Fralda and Tito only think about enjoying the graduation party. However, for different reasons, plans for the big night go awry. To improve the situation, Tito proposes a trip.

Nataly Fish

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Irlande, juin 1944. La décision cruciale de lancer l'opération Overlord le jour J dépend des relevés effectués par Maureen Flavin, une jeune fille qui travaille dans un bureau de poste, utilisé comme station météorologique, à Blacksod, dans le comté de Mayo, le promontoire le plus à l'ouest de l'Europe, loin des nombreuses terres dévast..

Nataly Fish

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