
Hercule contre les mercenaires

Hercule contre les mercenaires

L'ambitieuse Messaline souhaite plus que tout le pouvoir. Pour parvenir à ses fins, elle demande l'aide d'Hercule, un esclave d'une incroyable force. Mais celui-ci refuse. Pour obliger Hercule a accepter son offre, Messaline fait emprisonner Ena, sa fiancée...

Nataly Fish

Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (Gladiator of Pompeii)

Pompei, ieri, oggi, domani (Gladiator of Pompeii)

Epic drama of Pompeii at the city’s height of glory, up to the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, this film is one of titanic proportions, recounting on the grandest scale, its untimely destruction which killed 20,000 people in a matter of hours.Pompeii was a world where men and women had slaves, where gladiators fought to the death to provide entert..

Nataly Fish

Held der Gladiatoren

Held der Gladiatoren

Germanus, a brave gladiator, witnesses the brutal murder of his brother, committed by another fighter. Since then, he will become his worst enemy, with whom he will fight in several fights, each more bitter. One day, Germanus discovers that his sister, also gladiator, maintains a passionate affair with the man who killed the brother of both, withou..

Nataly Fish

La vendetta dei gladiatori

La vendetta dei gladiatori

The mighty Gladiator is captured after freeing the misguided emperor's daughter. The girl surrenders herself for his freedom but is again freed by the Gladiator.

Nataly Fish

Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriors

Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriors

A parody of the big-budget Ridley Scott-helmed sword-and-sandal epic, Gladiator Eroticvs stars Darian Caine as a fierce Roman soldier who's sold into slavery and forced to fight in the lesbian games (well, maybe "forced" isn't quite the right word). Also starring John Fedele as the Emperor Dickus Minimus and Factory 2000 regular Misty Mundae as his..

Nataly Fish

Kingdom of Gladiators

Kingdom of Gladiators

Il y a des milliers d’années de cela, grâce à un pacte que le roi Wolfkahn conclut avec Satan, le royaume de Keemok traversa une longue période de paix. S’il imagine avoir payé le prix de la toute puissance et de la gloire en abandonnant au diable la vie de sa fille, Wolfkahn se trompe…

Nataly Fish

The Gladiator

The Gladiator

Un justicier de guerrier de la route venge la mort de son frère aux mains d'un automobiliste fou en utilisant son pick-up gonflée d'appréhender les conducteurs ivres et d'autres qui abusent de leurs privilèges de conduite.

Nataly Fish

The Last Gladiators

The Last Gladiators

Chris Nilan a toujours rêvé de jouer dans la Ligue Nationale de hockey. Comme des milliers d'autres gamins passionnés, il était prêt à tout pour se rendre jusqu'au bout. Mais contrairement à plusieurs, l'opportunité de le faire s'est effectivement présentée à lui lorsqu'il a commencé à se faire remarquer grâce à ses talents pugilisti..

Nataly Fish

Games of Rome : Les jeux de l'Empire

Games of Rome : Les jeux de l'Empire

Sous le règne du Général romain Crassius, une jeune fille, Serena, voit ses parents se faire massacrer par cet horrible tyran. Le destin les fera se croiser à nouveau dans le cercle des gladiateurs.

Nataly Fish

Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'

Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'

An in-depth look at the entire making of Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Consisting of: Tale Of The Scribes: Story Development, The Heat Of Battle: Production Journals, Attire Of The Realm: Costume Design, Shadow And Dust: Resurrecting Proximo, The Glory Of Rome: Visual Effects, Tools Of War: Weapons, Echoes In Eternity: Release And Impact,and final Pro..

Nataly Fish

Gladiator Games: The Roman Bloodsport

Gladiator Games: The Roman Bloodsport

A look at the making of the Gladiator (2000) and the historical aspects presented within the film. Interviews with cast, crew and historical professors tell us a little bit more about certain locations and characters than what was in the movie.

Nataly Fish

La vengeance de Spartacus

La vengeance de Spartacus

Rome, en l'an 73 avant Jésus-Christ. La révolte des esclaves menée par Spartacus a été violemment réprimée. Le corps de Spartacus ayant disparu, ses amis le croient toujours vivant. Valère Catulle, soldat romain revenu des campagnes d'Espagne, se range du côté des esclaves…

Nataly Fish

The Gladiator

The Gladiator

A man returns to college and is talked into joining he football team and is a real joke on the team, until he is given a drug that gives him super strength.

Nataly Fish

The American Gladiators Documentary

The American Gladiators Documentary

The American Gladiators Documentary, a two-part 30 for 30 ESPN film directed by Ben Berman, takes an unconventional approach to the epic tale of the famed reality-competition show. From its humble beginnings in small-town Erie, PA to international stardom, the show's most charismatic figures finally tell their stories. But what begins as a traditio..

Nataly Fish

So You Want to Be a Gladiator

So You Want to Be a Gladiator

Joe thinks he's back in the gladiator days, and finds himself sentenced to be thrown to the Coliseum lions after breaking a string while playing the lyre for King Nero.

Nataly Fish

Gladiator Cop

Gladiator Cop

Andrew Garrett est en apparence un policier américain comme les autres. C'est aussi la réincarnation d'un illustre conquérant, Alexandre le Grand. Lorsqu'il se retrouve pris à participer à d'authentiques jeux du cirque, à de mortels combats à l'épée organisés par un cruel et puissant homme d'affaires, sa seconde nature se réveille...

Nataly Fish

Three Giants of the Roman Empire
Spartacus: Gladiator War

Spartacus: Gladiator War

It began with a breakout from a prison kitchen; it became a civil war. Based on the latest research, this dramatised documentary reveals how around 70 men armed themselves with kitchen knives and roasting spits, and chose a man called Spartacus as their leader. People came to join them in their thousands, and within a matter of months, the fugitive..

Nataly Fish

Sous le Signe de Rome

Sous le Signe de Rome

Zenobia, Queen of Palmira, revolts against Rome and defeats the Roman troops, but she makes a big mistake when she falls in love with enemy officer Marco Valerio.

Nataly Fish

Druid Gladiator Clone

Druid Gladiator Clone

An evil Druid warlord resurrects a young man and transforms him into a wicked superhero. With the help of a nice young woman, the superhero eventually begins to question his diabolical beliefs. As if his hands weren't full enough with his study of good and evil, he also has to deal with the confusion caused by his clone, the beasts of The Druid Gla..

Nataly Fish

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