
La ville captive

La ville captive

Pourchassés par des gangsters, Jim Austin et sa femme se réfugient dans un commissariat. Jim commence alors à raconter son histoire en flash-backs : comment lui, simple petit éditeur d'un journal local, s'est retrouvé mêlé à une vaste affaire de corruption entre la police, la mafia et les bookmakers du coin. Une histoire vraie co-scénaris�..

Nataly Fish

Captive's Island

Captive's Island

Seeking revenge against the guard who tormented him, a young man returns to the island where he was imprisoned in reform school. But his plans for vengeance are disturbed when he encounters a strange and beautiful young woman

Nataly Fish

Jungle Jim Captive de la Jungle

Jungle Jim Captive de la Jungle

Jungle Jim se bat pour sauver un jeune innocent des chasseurs de trésor et un médecin de sorcière.

Nataly Fish

La volée captive

La volée captive

In this routine World War II drama by Bulgarian director Doutcho Mundrov, a group of doomed POWs work together to keep their own dignity and ethical standards high. As the prisoners interact against a background of strife, imprisonment, and references to a rising Communist presence, they come to discover that there is an outside informer passing on..

Nataly Fish

The Captive

The Captive

Pendant la guerre des Balkans, une fermière du Montenegro emploie comme ouvrier agricole un prisonnier turc dont elle ne tardera pas à tomber amoureuse.

Nataly Fish

The Captives

The Captives

Max C. Kragh, a wealthy industrialist, and his wife Edith are traveling through the hills of Denmark heading toward their weekend retreat, when they see a young girl, Avi, thumbing for a ride. They stop for the girl, and suddenly Max is pulled from the car by two of Avi’s friends, Steen and Jorgen, while Liala watches happily from the other side ..

Nataly Fish

The Exchange of Captives in Asia Minor

The Exchange of Captives in Asia Minor

The Exchange of Captives in Asia Minor

Nataly Fish

Résister ou les captives d'Aigues-Mortes

Résister ou les captives d'Aigues-Mortes

1730 : peu après la révocation de l’Édit de Nantes, des femmes refusant d’abjurer le protestantisme sont emprisonnées dans la tour de Constance. Parmi elles, Marie Durand, qui deviendra par la suite une icône des huguenots. Toutes ces femmes rongées par la solitude, la maladie et la peur ne se raccrochent qu’à une seule idée : résist..

Nataly Fish

Island Captives

Island Captives

A murdered businessman's daughter is shipwrecked on a jungle island with the son of the man who killed her father. Both are threatened by a smuggling ring that uses the island as its headquarters.

Nataly Fish

The Young Captives

The Young Captives

Two high-school teenagers on their way to Mexico to get married cross paths with a homicidal fugitive.

Nataly Fish

Captives of Hate

Captives of Hate

Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with ..

Nataly Fish

La Captive

La Captive

Ariane vit chez Simon dans un grand appartement parisien. Sous surveillance. Il veut tout savoir d’elle, la suit, la fait accompagner dans ses sorties, cherche à la surprendre et la soumet à un questionnement incessant. Pourtant Ariane arrive à préserver un espace de liberté tant mental que physique. Et Simon souffre et jouit et il est bien ..

Nataly Fish



The search for a government soldier taken captive on February 20, 2014 in Kyiv takes protester Sashko to the front lines on the East of Ukraine. There he meets Ivan, a Ukrainian volunteer harbouring a secret that could undermine a fragile cease-fire…

Nataly Fish

Captives of a night dance

Captives of a night dance

Nataly Fish

Captives of Love

Captives of Love

On "Planet T," an Elder is teaching a young girl that she has contracted a virus called "love." She must go to Earth to experience human love and understand its illusion before her soul can recover. The Elder also tells the woman that the first man she sees on Earth will be her lover. On Earth, at a solo concert by the famous singer Amy, an admirer..

Nataly Fish

The Captives

The Captives

Dimas and Isabel lived in Arica when new border limits were imposed between Peru and Chile, dividing their descendants. Their great-granddaughter searches for her identity, crossing the limits of her memory, family chronicles and official discourses that shape the history of both countries.

Nataly Fish

Elsa Fräulein SS

Elsa Fräulein SS

Afin de tester leur sens moral, des officiers allemands sont envoyés dans un train rempli de jolies jeunes femmes.

Nataly Fish

Captives of the Film

Captives of the Film

Berlin, 1920-1930s. A colony of Russian cinematographers is creating film production on a truly Hollywood scale. Hundreds of studios, dozens of "stars", European blockbusters.

Nataly Fish

Witnesses. Captivity That Kills

Witnesses. Captivity That Kills

This investigation into the explosion that killed Russian-held Ukrainian prisoners highlights the importance of recording atrocities as wars still rage and the key role played by the Ukraine War Archive.

Nataly Fish

Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt

Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt

After Azusa witnesses a rape at her previous job, she takes a job at a steel factory in a desolate part of town. Her co-workers hate her and her only friend is a young girl, Naomi. A security guard sexually abuses Azusa and Naomi disappears under mysterious circumstances. While the mystery surrounding Naomi’s disappearance deepens, Azusa finds a ..

Nataly Fish

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