


Jacques, grand reporter pour un quotidien français reçoit un jour un mystérieux coup de téléphone du Vatican. Dans une petite ville du sud-est de la France une jeune fille de 18 ans a affirmé avoir eu une apparition de la Vierge Marie. La rumeur s’est vite répandue et le phénomène a pris une telle ampleur que des milliers de pèlerins vi..

Nataly Fish

Gone Girl

Gone Girl

Amy et Nick forment en apparence un couple modèle. Victimes de la crise, ils quittent Manhattan pour retourner s'installer dans la ville du Missouri où Nick a grandi. Mais le jour de leur 5ème anniversaire de mariage, Amy disparaît et Nick retrouve leur maison saccagée. Lors de l'enquête tout semble accuser Nick. Celui‐ci décide, de son c�..

Nataly Fish

Sans mobile apparent

Sans mobile apparent

Des hommes d'affaires conversent tranquillement dans les jardins d'une luxueuse résidence niçoise. Le promoteur Tony Forest s'écroule soudain, frappé d'une balle au front. L'inspecteur Carella est chargé de l'enquête. Il n'a guère le temps de rassembler des indices car les cadavres se multiplient. Un dessinateur, Barroyer, puis un astrologue..

Nataly Fish



Brian mène une vie paisible et confortable avec sa femme Angela et leur fille. Le jour où leur voisine est retrouvée noyée, leur quotidien semble irrémédiablement déraper : Angela échappe de peu à un accident mortel, et des objets disparaissent de la villa. Brian sombre peu à peu dans la paranoïa : que cache l'intrigante jeune femme qui ..

Nataly Fish

Haunted 2: Apparitions

Haunted 2: Apparitions

A private investigator looks into the Halloween horror nights phenomenon. On a rural farm in deepest, darkest England he encounters a series of bizarre paranormal events that lead to a mystery being solved with frightening consequences.

Nataly Fish



A writer becomes the main character in the story he intended to write

Nataly Fish

Apparel Designer

Apparel Designer

HIRAKATA a major apparel manufacturer in financial crisis, decides to launch a new brand to revive its fortunes, and brings back Yuji Fujimura (Masanobu Takashima) who left the company after a previous conflict with the president. and gathers a group of young craftsmen under his wing, including patterner Kyoko Kayeda (Akane Hotta), assistant Seita..

Nataly Fish

Le Revenant

Le Revenant

Alone in his room at an inn, a lustful old man is haunted by spirits.

Nataly Fish

Bendu Apparao R.M.P

Bendu Apparao R.M.P

Nataly Fish

For No Apparent Reason

For No Apparent Reason

Nataly Fish

Apparitions à Fatima

Apparitions à Fatima

Ce très beau film retrace avec fraîcheur l'histoire de trois jeunes bergers au Portugal, à qui la Vierge Marie apparaît et dont elle va transformer la vie. Une grande reconstitution historique avec des centaines de figurants, tournée sur les lieux mêmes des Apparition, par le réalisateur de talent Daniel Costelle (Les Grandes Batailles, les..

Nataly Fish



Tucked away in a remote forest, the convent of Adoration is inhabited by a group of nuns seeking a peaceful life of devotion and discipline, filling their days with nothing but mundane chores and prayers. But the wish for a life in isolation is threatened when President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law, and political protests and chaos begin t..

Nataly Fish

The Fugitive Apparitions

The Fugitive Apparitions

A magician makes a woman appear and disappear.

Nataly Fish

Stories of Apparitions

Stories of Apparitions

A horror anthology focusing on various groups of people who encounter haunted photographs.

Nataly Fish



The past is always out of reach, yet we’re always pulled towards it. Ismaïl Bahri's poetic film plays with this paradox. We see two hands holding a photograph which is illuminated by strong light from two sides, blinding us to its contents. Only the shadows cast by the hands reveal what is hidden by the light: a crowd gathering on 20 March 1956,..

Nataly Fish

Apparently, They Robbed Abdo

Apparently, They Robbed Abdo

Apparently, They Robbed Abdo is a play staring ahmed adam

Nataly Fish



A drunken, boorish general tyrannises his wife and his maid. When the wife discovers that her husband and the maid are having an affair, she turns the maid out of the house, little realising that the young woman is pregnant with the general's child. Years later, the general is dead, and a younger generation has risen with a new outlook on life and ..

Nataly Fish



"Apariciones" is a cinematographic essay on the question of what are apparitions, or what might they be. It’s a filmed documentation of the verbs “to appear” and “to disappear”. This film challenges itself by trying to make visible und perceptible these unseizable and sometimes invisible subjects. Apariciones is a collage-shortfilm, an a..

Nataly Fish

Liquid Traits of an Image Apparatus

Liquid Traits of an Image Apparatus

Visualised machine instructions make up their own semantics and are base for human instructions. On a cinema screen these images are detached from their initial meaning.They condense on the picture base and swash into our eyes. Like a random rhizome structure an associative montage of minimalistic user interfaces follows the film's timeline. Our ow..

Nataly Fish

Bernadette Soubirous and the Apparitions of Lourdes

Bernadette Soubirous and the Apparitions of Lourdes

A romanced version of the apparitions of Mary at Lourdes in 1856.

Nataly Fish

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