


An Israeli swimming tutor living in Chicago returns to Israel after 10 years of absence to bury his father. An encounter with a beloved childhood friend and his newly engaged girlfriend will set a series of events that will affect everyone's lives. A story set between a flower shop and an ancient monastery, between a swimming pool and the Mediterra..

Nataly Fish

Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley

John Martin is a government agent working under cover. Leading citizen Morgan calls in gunman Galt who blows Martin's cover.

Nataly Fish



A powerful story of the relationship between father and son, John and Eamon Doyle. It is set in rural Ireland during the 1950s, a period of mass emigration and social change. Young Irish emigrants, on arriving in America, have been enlisted and sent to fight in the Korean war. One of those emigrants, Luke Moran, dies in Korea and his home village ..

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Blackout

Der Irland-Krimi: Blackout

16-year-old student Moira McKendry, gifted, popular and fun-loving, is found dead after a school party. The fatal head injuries indicate a violent crime. Moira's best friend, the introverted Hanna, was apparently the last person to see Moira alive. But Hanna can't remember anymore.

Nataly Fish

Rainbow Drive

Rainbow Drive

A Hollywood multiple murder is investigated by a homicide cop, despite high-placed efforts to cover up the crime.

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Mädchenjäger

Der Irland-Krimi: Mädchenjäger

A student of Cathrin is murdered and draped like a doll found on the beach. The dead body corresponds to the imagination of one of Cathrin's patients. Kelly, however, suspects a friend of the dead.

Nataly Fish

Le Tumulte des sentiments

Le Tumulte des sentiments

Isabella Caldwell a décidé de faire le tour du monde avec sa fille Tilly. De passage en Irlande, elles sont invitées par le Comte et Lady Shannon qui n'ont qu'une idée, faire épouser leur fils Cameron avec la belle Tilly. Mais celle-ci annonce qu'elle a déjà un fiancé, Gad, aux États-Unis et n'a accepté de venir en Irlande que pour retrou..

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Mond über Galway

Der Irland-Krimi: Mond über Galway

Criminal psychologist Cathrin Blake is called to an emergency in the middle of the night: a young woman is threatening to throw herself to her death from a high-rise building. Cathrin knows the disturbed woman: Moon Flynn was in therapy with Cathrin a few years ago for a borderline disorder, but stopped it prematurely.

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Das Verschwinden

Der Irland-Krimi: Das Verschwinden

The psychologist Cathrin Blake actually wants to withdraw from her work for the police. After a mysterious murder during the ghost parade of the "Samhain" harvest festival, however, Superintendent Kelly asks for her support. It's not just about the bloody act, but also about the disappearance of Holly Reid, the victim's friend.

Nataly Fish

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Irlande, juin 1944. La décision cruciale de lancer l'opération Overlord le jour J dépend des relevés effectués par Maureen Flavin, une jeune fille qui travaille dans un bureau de poste, utilisé comme station météorologique, à Blacksod, dans le comté de Mayo, le promontoire le plus à l'ouest de l'Europe, loin des nombreuses terres dévast..

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Preis des Schweigens

Der Irland-Krimi: Preis des Schweigens

Life seems to be kind to criminal psychologist Cathrin Blake: a tender love affair has developed from the acquaintance with the charming Matt. Professionally, however, Cathrin faces a tricky case: A year and a half ago, the renowned psychologist Helen Bell disappeared without a trace.

Nataly Fish

The Rainbow Experiment

The Rainbow Experiment

Things spiral out of control in a high school in Manhattan when a terrible accident involving a science experiment injures a kid for life.

Nataly Fish

Der Irland-Krimi: Familienbande

Der Irland-Krimi: Familienbande

Abbie Campbell is in prison for murder, she stabbed her sleeping husband. The background to the brutal act was never clarified, Abbie had refused any statement at the time. Criminal psychologist Cathrin Blake has to prepare an expert opinion on the young woman.

Nataly Fish

Takumi-kun II : Niji Iro no Glass

Takumi-kun II : Niji Iro no Glass

Ce second film de la saga Takumi-kun se déroule toujours dans le fameux internat et se déroule après les évènements du premier. Gii et Takumi forment maintenant un couple et sont enviés par tous. Takumi semble lui plus libre et plus intégré avec les autres élèves de l'internat. Bien que tout semblait se passer à merveille, leur relation..

Nataly Fish

The Rape of Nanking

The Rape of Nanking

About a young Chinese-American author's journey into the darkest reaches of humanity as she researched and wrote her best selling book "The Rape of Nanking". Iris Chang's harrowing experience and dogged determination uncovers in graphic detail the forgotten holocaust of World War II when almost 300,000 Chinese women, children and soldiers were in a..

Nataly Fish

King Kelly of the U.S.A.

King Kelly of the U.S.A.

Une troupe théâtrale dirigée par un showman tape-à-l'œil se retrouve dans le minuscule - et en faillite - royaume de Belgardia. Le showman tombe amoureux de la fille du roi dotty, qui l'a promise à un autre.

Nataly Fish

Talia : L'arc-en-ciel sans fin

Talia : L'arc-en-ciel sans fin

Talia et Bartleby voyagent de l'autre côté de l'arc-en-ciel sans fin à la recherche de Dillydally, une exploratrice courageuse, meilleure amie du roi Arc-en-ciel.

Nataly Fish

Irlande : le linge sale de l’Église

Irlande : le linge sale de l’Église

L'histoire tragique et choquante des célèbres Magdalene Laundries, un système honteux, créé par l'État irlandais mais soutenu par toutes les couches de la société irlandaise, qui a réduit en esclavage plus de dix mille femmes entre 1922 et 1996.

Nataly Fish

This is my home : Ballade irlandaise en Amérique

This is my home : Ballade irlandaise en Amérique

Ce documentaire suit deux musiciens irlandais immigrés qui tentent de battre un record du monde en se produisant dans les 50 États américains en seulement 40 jours.

Nataly Fish

The Rainbow Trail

The Rainbow Trail

The wall to Surprise Valley has broken, and Jane Withersteen is forced to choose between Lassiter's life and Fay Larkin's marriage to a Mormon.

Nataly Fish

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