
Egypt, a Love Song

Egypt, a Love Song

Iris Zaki embarks on an intimate journey with her father through the extraordinary story of her legendary grandmother, the Egyptian singer Souad Zaki. A cinematic project that spans generations and continents, unpacking the complex relationship of Jewish/Arab identity and culture.

Nataly Fish

An Egyptian Salad

An Egyptian Salad

As the Egyptian society is hit with a wave of religious and national extremism, filmmaker Nadia Kamal and her grandmother Mary resort to storytelling as they recount to the grandson Nabeel the history spanning 100 years of changes. What's a better way than storytelling to preserve identity?

Nataly Fish

Saint Mary of Egypt

Saint Mary of Egypt

A young woman abandons her father's home due to misconduct in her family environment and is thrown into a life of pleasures for a long time. Unexpectedly, a heavenly hand is sent to her life.

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Nasser

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Nasser

From Gamal Abdel Nasser to Anwar Sadat, to Hosni Mubarak, “The Pharaohs of Modern Egypt” follows the path of the successive regimes in power, and reveals their common goal to carefully lay the basis of a solid independence, but which, on the other hand, led to the revolution on Tahrir Square in 2011. President Anwar Sadat led the country down t..

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Mubarak

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Mubarak

From Gamal Abdel Nasser to Anwar Sadat, to Hosni Mubarak, “The Pharaohs of Modern Egypt” follows the path of the successive regimes in power, and reveals their common goal to carefully lay the basis of a solid independence, but which, on the other hand, led to the revolution on Tahrir Square in 2011. President Anwar Sadat led the country down t..

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Sadat

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs: Sadat

From Gamal Abdel Nasser to Anwar Sadat, to Hosni Mubarak, “The Pharaohs of Modern Egypt” follows the path of the successive regimes in power and reveals their common goal to carefully lay the basis of a solid independence, but which, on the other hand, led to the revolution on Tahrir Square in 2011. President Anwar Sadat led the country down th..

Nataly Fish

Excursion to Ancient Egypt

Excursion to Ancient Egypt

This "scène en plein air", produced in April 1914 by the Milanese Film, the Italian "corresponding" company of the Pathé Frères, presents a touristic excursion in Egypt, where the European visitors enjoy the cruise on the Nile river and visit the huge ruins and the temples in the desert.

Nataly Fish

Cats in the Museum: Treasures of Egypt

Cats in the Museum: Treasures of Egypt

The main characters of the film, the mouse Maurice and the cats Vincent and Cleopatra, will travel from St. Petersburg to Egypt, where they will make new friends, visit the pyramids and open secret dungeons in search of the Genie, who grants one wish once every thousand years. Guests of the presentation were shown a short excerpt in which the chara..

Nataly Fish

Sun of Egypt

Sun of Egypt

The story of Joseph's life from childhood to going to Egypt and meeting his father Jacob again.

Nataly Fish

Le Jeune Messie

Le Jeune Messie

Une version fictionnelle de la vie de Jésus. Tout commence avec un jeune garçon, apprenant la vérité à propos de son identité et de sa mission...

Nataly Fish

Orgie sanglante

Orgie sanglante

Quand madame Fremont engage le fanatique égyptien Fuad Ramses comme traiteur pour le mariage de sa fille Suzette, elle commet l'erreur culinaire du siècle. Fuad prépare un festin sanglant fait de membres humains de jeunes femmes qu'il prend comme victimes et qu'il découpe à la machette, perpétuant un ancien rite égyptien, afin d'honorer une ..

Nataly Fish

L'ange du Mossad

L'ange du Mossad

Opérant dans les plus hautes sphères du gouvernement égyptien, Ashraf Marwan prend des risques considérables en espionnant pour Israël. Inspiré d'une histoire vraie.

Nataly Fish

Vicieuse et manuelle

Vicieuse et manuelle

Emanuelle, jeune et belle modèle, part en Égypte afin d'y faire une série de photos sous l'égide d'un photographe sadique fasciné par la mort. Il veut sublimer cette dernière à travers la jeune femme. Emanuelle rencontre la jeune Pia et sa soeur Magda, les deux filles de Crista, une somptueuse quadragénaire...

Nataly Fish

The Immortals: The Wonder of the Museo Egizio

The Immortals: The Wonder of the Museo Egizio

Kha, architect and builder of tombs for the pharaohs, must undertake the journey to the Underworld. Telling us the story of his voyage is Jeremy Irons, in the guise of a narrator. His words take us inside the secret world of Egyptian mythology, religion and funerary culture, interweaving the story with the history of the oldest museum in the world,..

Nataly Fish



L'histoire de l'Exode racontée par Moïse, Aaron, l'ange de la mort, Jésus et le père de la réalisatrice. Mais il existe une autre perspective : celle de la Déesse, la divinité originelle de l'humanité, qui ressuscite au cours d'une lutte tragique contre les forces patriarcales.

Nataly Fish

Kahwa Bourssa Masr

Kahwa Bourssa Masr

The film is set in a social and dramatic context, touching on the different Egyptian customs and traditions, and the mental, religious and human terrorism of the Egyptian society through a group of people whose lives converge inside a café.

Nataly Fish

Dans le secret des hiéroglyphes : Les Frères Champollion

Dans le secret des hiéroglyphes : Les Frères Champollion

Il y a deux cents ans, Champollion déchiffrait les hiéroglyphes égyptiens, résolvant l’une des plus grandes énigmes de l’histoire de l’humanité. Retour sur une épopée scientifique qu’il n’aurait jamais pu mener à bien sans l’aide de son frère aîné.

Nataly Fish

At Cairo's Railway Station

At Cairo's Railway Station

Reda, a young salesperson meets Malak in the railway station who asks him to play the role of her husband before her rich parents who live in Upper Egypt.

Nataly Fish

Princess Ali

Princess Ali

Princess Ali, of Barnum and Bailey's circus, performs an Egyptian dance in the Edison Company's studio. As she dances, some musicians perform in the background to provide accompaniment.

Nataly Fish

Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty

Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty

It is one of Egypt's enduring mysteries. What happened to Nefertiti and her husband, Akhenaten - the radical king, and likely father of King Tut? In a dark and mysterious tomb located in the Valley of the Kings, there is a small chamber with two mummies without sarcophagi or wrappings. At times, both have been identified as Queen Nefertiti by schol..

Nataly Fish

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