
The Pilot's Funeral

The Pilot's Funeral

In life Adrian Wagg forged an extraordinary connection with Arnhem Land and its people; in death he was given a remarkable Yolngu burial, an ancient ceremony revived in his honour.

Nataly Fish

PilotsEYE.tv AirLounge One

PilotsEYE.tv AirLounge One

With Episode 15: "AirLounge ONE", PilotsEYE.tv premieres a new arrangement of deeply emotional aerial views, accompanied throughout by a wide variety of relaxing music. The result is a fresh, new product, that skillfully employs every one of its emotional ingredients to present the air-travel interested audience with a genuinely new experience. In ..

Nataly Fish

The Universe & Young Pilot Nelson

The Universe & Young Pilot Nelson

A lovesick pilot in the 1930s confronts his monochromatic dream lady. Assumptions are made. Hearts are broken.

Nataly Fish

Lisa et le pilote d'avion

Lisa et le pilote d'avion

Lisa and Corinne are personal assistants to people with disabilities. Lisa is happily married and have two kids. Corinne is in and out of love affairs. One day Lisa meet an airline pilot who charms her and she can't say no to.

Nataly Fish

PilotsEYE.tv Boston A350

PilotsEYE.tv Boston A350

Le temps des quadrimoteurs en tôles d’aluminium est définitivement révolu. Le nouvel A350 repré­sente maintenant le futur de la construction des avions de ligne. Ce qui veut dire en clair : grâce à la fibre de carbone, 20% de poids en moins et 25% de carburant d’économisé. Installé confortablement dans le premier vol de Munich vers B..

Nataly Fish

Aeroplane Flight and Wreck (Piloted by M. Cody)
Electronic Control System of the C-1 Auto Pilot Part 1: Basic Electricity as Applied to Electronic Control System

Electronic Control System of the C-1 Auto Pilot Part 1: Basic Electricity as Applied to Electronic Control System

Animated training film depicting the fundamentals of electricity and how electrical signals can be used to keep an airplane on correct course and altitude through an autopilot.

Nataly Fish

Ferry Pilot

Ferry Pilot

Focuses on the work of the Air Transport Auxiliary or ATA. By 1941, literally hundreds of RAF fighters and bombers needed to be flown each day between aircraft factories, maintenance depots and RAF aerodromes. This vital task was carried out by the men and women of the ATA, a civilian air force operating from their own pools and stations all over B..

Nataly Fish

Gay Batman Episode 1 - Pilot

Gay Batman Episode 1 - Pilot

In an alternate universe, the homosexual vigilante Gay Batman helps keep Gotham City safe. When a strong threat opposes his sexuality, he must do what he does best; fight.

Nataly Fish



Buddy Cop is mostly a non-narrative series about two slackers who are detectives, Detective Hennessy (Ariobimo) and Detective François (Keanu Acyuta), living their lives like a comedy. Be a witness to the pilot of our series.

Nataly Fish

Britain's Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown

Britain's Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown

Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown recounts his flying experiences, encounters with the Nazis and other adventures leading up to and during the Second World War. Illustrated with archive footage and Captain Brown's own photos.

Nataly Fish

Cutie Honey Presentation Pilot Film

Cutie Honey Presentation Pilot Film

Presentation film that would lead to the live action 2001 Cutie Honey film

Nataly Fish

Johnny Galagher, Fading Virtues - Pilot (Part 2)

Johnny Galagher, Fading Virtues - Pilot (Part 2)

Johnny Gallagher's morals are gone - his world has crumbled in on itself and the man who has remained is different.

Nataly Fish

Afro Samurai Pilot

Afro Samurai Pilot

Original pilot for the "Afro Samurai" TV series, directed and animated by Takeshi Koike before anime studio Gonzo took on the production of the final product four years later.

Nataly Fish

My Dad is A Pilot

My Dad is A Pilot

Lucy Ermakova works as a waitress in the officer's dining room of the flight garrison. Her son Valka dreams that he had a dad, and always a pilot. Lieutenant Colonel Ivchenko requires Lucy favor, because he helped her with the work, but the woman avoids it. She likes the catcher major. Once Valka runs away to the airfield and disappears. On searche..

Nataly Fish

Dogville: The Pilot

Dogville: The Pilot

Dogville: The Pilot was shot during 2001 in the pre-production phase to test whether the concept of chalk lines and sparse scenery would work. The 15-minute pilot film starred Danish actors Sidse Babett Knudsen (as Grace) and Nikolaj Lie Kaas (as Tom).

Nataly Fish

Tekkonkinkreet Pilot

Tekkonkinkreet Pilot

Softimage's Michael Arias started the project as a short CG exercise, which then came to the attention of Morimoto, who then agreed to work on the project on the Softimage 3D software. A few months later, Visual Director Wilson Tang and Animation Supervisor Lee Fulton introduced a pilot to the Softimage staff, made entirely on computer with a staff..

Nataly Fish

Pilot Brothers Show Each Other New Year's Magic Tricks

Pilot Brothers Show Each Other New Year's Magic Tricks

The action takes place in the boarding house of the Red Cross Landscaping Society.

Nataly Fish

Pilot Brothers Suddenly Decided to Hunt

Pilot Brothers Suddenly Decided to Hunt

The boss and a colleague go hunting, decide to hunt and have breakfast at the same time, having come up with an original way to do this.

Nataly Fish

Boy Aviation Pilots

Boy Aviation Pilots

Story of two close friends who long to become pilots in the air corps. Only one succeeds in entering the service, while the other finds a job in civilian aviation through his instructor's good offices.

Nataly Fish

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