
Life on Mars

Life on Mars

Ilsa, son mari Reza et sa fille Remmy ont fui la Terre pour Mars. Installés dans une colonie isolée et inhospitalière, ils s'accrochent à l'espoir d'une vie meilleure. Lorsque des assaillants envahissent les lieux, la famille est prise en otage et doit s'adapter pour survivre. Remmy est alors confrontée à une réalité que ses parents ont tou..

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

The story centers on a woman who is among a handful of descendants of a Martian colony long-abandoned by Earth following a cataclysm. The woman one day finds she can breathe the air on Mars, upending her world and that of her fellow colonists.

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

In her ninth month of pregnancy, a reluctant woman is asked to watch her friend's kids and learns her life is about to change forever, whether she likes it or not.

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

The only companions of an artist stranded on Mars are what can be drawn with its red dust. The image is processed from found footage and the soundtrack from the spoken poem. Best with headphones.

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

A Mockumentary about space documentaries and the "fantasy worlds" that directors try to create with them.

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

Neurotic writer David Mars must reveal his humiliating life story when his screenplay is discovered.

Nataly Fish

Married Life

Married Life

Après des années d'une vie de couple heureuse et tranquille, Harry décide de tuer sa femme Pat, car il va la quitter mais préfère la voir morte plutôt que de la rendre malheureuse. Il est en effet tombé éperdument amoureux de la charmante Kay. Mais Richard, son meilleur ami, espère lui aussi la conquérir... Pendant que Harry tente maladro..

Nataly Fish

Mars, en quête de vie

Mars, en quête de vie

Y a-t-il eu de la vie sur Mars ? Telle est la question à laquelle doit répondre l’astromobile Perseverance, lancé le 30 juillet 2020 par le Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la Nasa, dans le cadre de la mission Mars 2020. Après un voyage de près de 500 millions de kilomètres, l’engin s’est posé le 18 février dernier dans le cratère rocheu..

Nataly Fish

Viva Life on Mars

Viva Life on Mars

A 74-year old man sits at home listening to his radio when he settles onto a country-style song. He gets dressed up in boots, jacket and hat and heads down the road to his local pub. Its not the old west but it does have certain themes that seem familiar.

Nataly Fish

A Life on Mars

A Life on Mars

Constructed entirely from raw images and audio sourced from NASA's Open Data project, this short documentary digs through the Curiosity rover's nine-year history on Mars to find hidden moments of excitement, alien sunsets, shifting sands, solitude and even aging.

Nataly Fish

My Life On Mars

My Life On Mars

Phil was born on Mars in 1949, and a whole part of the Earth population lives now on the red planet. He likes his way of life and is as happy as can be to share it with any audience, but, like any other society made by humans, the life on this «new land» is far from being perfect.

Nataly Fish

Maria rêve

Maria rêve

Maria est femme de ménage. Mariée depuis 25 ans, réservée, timide et maladroite, elle ne quitte jamais son carnet à fleurs dans lequel elle écrit des poèmes en secret. Lorsqu’elle est affectée à l'École des Beaux-Arts, elle rencontre Hubert, le gardien fantasque de l'école, et découvre un lieu fascinant où règnent la liberté, la cr..

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

What do you think is the desire of every human being?

Nataly Fish

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

While the whole world gets shocked by news on life on Mars, a group of friends lives imprisoned in a mechanical choreography, a farce that can hardly be considered as life.

Nataly Fish

De la vie des marionnettes

De la vie des marionnettes

Peter Egerman a étranglé une prostituée sur la scène d'un théâtre pour voyeurs. Le psychanalyste Mogens Jensen est chargé du dossier d'expertise. Peter, alors son ami, était venu le consulter pour lui avouer son désir trouble d'assassiner sa femme Katerina.

Nataly Fish

Married Life

Married Life

Jacqueline (Bonilla) and Nicolas (Echanove) are so in love that they decide to get married "until death takes them apart". When love dies and infidelity takes its place, Jacqueline decides there's no time to fulfill the promise of their votes. She begins to plot her husband's murder, but destiny is committed to surprise her in many ways.

Nataly Fish

Life of Mariko in Kabukicho

Life of Mariko in Kabukicho

A small bar in Tokyo's red-light district run by an undercover detective with a tragic past links together a group of eccentrics, a search for aliens, FBI investigators, bizarre love affairs and assassins.

Nataly Fish

Minha Vida em Marte

Minha Vida em Marte

Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or puttin..

Nataly Fish

La vie de Jean-Marie

La vie de Jean-Marie

Jean-Marie is the eldest son of a large family, of which the Dutch father bought a mountain in the French Pyrenees in 1948. Now he is a pastor for 25 villages located in the area. Jean-Marie speaks of the harsh rejection by the great love of his youth in the village of Olette, his subsequent taking of the cloth as well as his spiritual love for his..

Nataly Fish

Maria Life

Maria Life

A five-year-old girl enjoys learning to write her name, but she is forced by her mother to drop out of school and start taking care of household chores and working on the farm.

Nataly Fish

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